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> 23.09.10 hommage à frank o’hara > audio

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A. Brady, R. Hampson, D. Herd, O. Brossard

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W. Montgomery, T. Pioro, M. Richet, S. Riggs

A l’occasion de la publication de *Frank O’Hara Now* eds. Robert Hampson & Will Montgomery, publié par Liverpool University Press,

et des *Poèmes déjeuner* traduits par Ron Padgett et Olivier Brossard, publiés par Joca Seria,

Double Change vous invite à une lecture

Avec Andrea Brady, Olivier Brossard, Robert Hampson, David Herd, Tadeusz Pioro, Martin Richet, Sarah Riggs, Keston Sutherland et Geoff Ward

le jeudi 23 septembre 2010 à 19h30

Galerie éof
15 rue saint Fiacre

(M° Grands boulevards ou Bonne Nouvelle)

Entrée libre


Et, le vendredi 24 septembre, journée d’étude Frank O’Hara à University of London in Paris. Voir programme complet à la fin de ce message.


Andrea Brady was born in Philadelphia, studied at Columbia University (where she was Kenneth Koch’s assistant) and at Cambridge, and now teaches early modern and contemporary literature at QMUL.  She is the director of the Archive of the Now and co-publisher of Barque Press.  Her most recent book of poems is Wildfire: A Verse Essay on Obscurity and Illumination (Krupskaya, 2010).

Olivier Brossard a traduit, avec Vincent Broqua et Abigail Lang, Ce qu’être d’avant-garde veut dire de David Antin (Presses du réel), ainsi que Le grand quelque chose de Ron Padgett et, avec ce dernier, les Poèmes déjeuner de Frank O’Hara (Joca Seria). A paraître en novembre aux éditions Corti : Le vrai sujet. Interrogations et conjectures de Jacob de Lafon de Keith Waldrop.

Robert Hampson is Professor of Modern Literature at Royal Holloway, University of London. He has been involved with contemporary poetry for forty years. Stride published ‘Assembled Fugitives: Selected Poems, 1973-1998’ in 2001; Shearsman republished Seaport in 2008; and Veer published his poem sequence, ‘an explanation of colours’ in 2010.

David Herd’s poems have appeared at, and in PNReview, among other places. He directs the Centre for Modern Poetry at the University of Kent where he is currently organizing ‘Charles Olson 2010: A Centenary Conference’.

Tadeusz Pióro (1960) has published six books of poems. A brief selection in English, Infinite Neighbourhood, was published by Equipage in 2000. He translated many of the poems in Altered State: The New Polish Poetry  (Arc, 2003), an anthology he co-edited with Rod Mengham and Piotr Szymor.His translations into Polish include work by Barrett Watten, David Gascoyne, Rod Mengham, Harry Mathews, John Ashbery, Ronald Firbank, Ishmael Reed, Edmund White, Ezra Pound and Paul de Man. He teaches American literature at the University of Warsaw and is finishing a book about Frank O’Hara.

Martin Richet, né le 4 juillet 1977, vit et traduit à Paris. Publications récentes : Bruce Andrews, Praxis, Éditions de l’Attente ; Lyn Hejinian, Gesualdo, Éric Pesty Éditeur ; Hugo Münsterberg, Le cinéma : une étude psychologique et autres essais, Éditions Héros-Limite ; Robert Creeley, Là, Poèmes 1968-1975, Éditions Héros-Limite.

Sarah Riggs is a poet, translator, and visual artist. She is the author of Waterwork (Chax Press 2007) and Chain of Miniscule Decisions in the Form of a Feeling 60 Textos (Reality Street Editions 2007). 60 Textos (Ugly Duckling Presse, for 2010), along with 28 télégrammes and 43 Post-Itswere first published in France (éditions de l’Attente, translated by Françoise Valéry, 2006-9) She has also published a book of essays, Word Sightings: Poetry and Visual Media in Stevens, Bishop, and O’Hara (Routledge 2002). The installation of her drawings, Isibilités, in collaboration with sound, video and cuisine, took place at the galerie éof in autumn 2007. A member of the bilingual poetry association Double Change and director of Tamaas, an international multicultural foundation, Riggs also teaches: currently at NYU in Paris, and previously at Columbia University in Paris with Omar Berrada, with whom she co-translated Marie Borel’sWolftrot (La Presse 2006). She worked with the French poet Isabelle Garron on the translation of Garron’s poems, Face Before Against (Litmus, 2008).  She also translated Ryoko Sekiguchi’sTwo Markets, Once Again (Post Apollo, 2008). About Waterwork, Ann Lauterbach said: « In five stunning sequences, Sarah Riggs has created a poetics of elastic migrations that imagines the world as clusters, skeins, and motions whose innate peril is miraculously saved in the act of naming…


Friday, 24 September

Frank O’Hara Now
University of London in Paris
9-11 rue de Constantine

Mo Les Invalides

11.00: Opening remarks
11.15 -12.15: First session: O’Hara and Cinema:
Robert Hampson: Movies and memory.
Olivier Brossard: Frank O’Hara’s Black Market: Cinematographic Dispossession

12.15-1.30: LUNCH

Geoff Ward: New York, War and Frank O’Hara
Andrea Brady: Distraction and Absorption on Second Avenue


David Herd: Stepping Out Wih Frank O’Hara
Tdeusz Pioro, The Boring and the New


4.15- 5.15
Keston Sutherland: Close writing
Will Montgomery: Frank O’Hara and Morton Feldman.


Double Change reçoit l’aide du Conseil Régional d’Ile-de-France.

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